USB-Switch the PC-controlled mains switch

Precise oven temperature control

Many technical oven applications, e.g. the hardening of casting resign or bonding needs a temperature control that limits the generated heat. When using simple ovens the control is especially with low temperatures very bad solved. In the small oven used in this sample, the set temperature of 60° Celsius is exeeded by more than 100° C. This will damage most plastik objects and even the USB-Temp was destroyed during a session (see picture).

A better oven temperature control could be realized by placing an USB-Temp inside the oven and connecting oven power to an USB-Switch. The controlling is then done by ClewareControl through the settig of switch points.
A simple switch point at 60 ° C will help, but the temperature will still exeed by 50° C. This is a result of the very simple construction of this kind of low cost ovens. The corresponding curve could be downloaded (Ofen2.cwc). The display needs the program ClewareControl which could be downloaded for free in the download area.
By using two switch points the temperature of even such a simple oven could be controlled with high accuracy. The first switch point at 30° C turns the oven on if the temperature falls below. This is done to start a short heating phase. The second switch point turn the oven on if the temperature falls below 60° C and temperature continuously falling. These settings results in a deviation of less than 3° C. The protocol for download: Ofen3.cwc.